Pot Lid Cabinet
This is what our old Pot Lid Cabinet looked like
Right. It didn't exist. We didn't have one. The space by the stove was empty.
And now it looks like this. The 'countertop' is provisional, isn't part of the cabinet. We were thinking of granite,
but that doesn't fit this piece very well. Maybe we'll get butcher-block. We'll see.
The Pot Lid Cabinet is made of pine, stained pecan, with a trace of sedona red.
I began the Pot Lid Cabinet even before I had all the tools I needed, the jointer or even the workbench.
Thus, some things are just not as straight, or not as square as they ought to be. This cabinet took several months,
though I admit to having pushed a couple of other projects in between, for the satisfactrion of having finished something.